For my entire career, I've had a singular focus on visual communications.
For decades I've worked on professional sports crews to tell the stories of some of the greatest athletes in the world, from Carl Lewis to Michael Jordan to Tiger Woods. Working with statistics and computer-generated graphics, we help people everywhere add another dimension to the viewing experience through visuals, numbers and words.
Having taught a masters course on technology in training, I developed an appreciation for the way information could be used to help solve problems. After working on a number of technology and video-oriented projects, I eventually came to manage digital signage systems and related content for global companies like BP. For the past 15 years we have been involved with all aspects of digital signage, from design and installation to support and maintenance.
Over the years, I've seen virtually every mistake related to visual communications. After helping to consolidate various systems and processes globally into a centrally managed platform, I've been involved with coaching and training countless individuals for the care and feeding of visual communications. With a mix of so many areas in an organization - IT, AV, Facilities, HR, Comms, Leadership Team, Safety/Security, Administrative Assistants - it has been critical to speak all of the different corporate languages at the same time.
Based on my background in instructional design, we've start with the audience and the goals to determine the messages. Working backwards from the end goal, we determine the right tools and best practices to deliver your messages appropriately.
As a wise advisor once told me, clients become friends. Looking back, I've found this to be true and seek to treat friends like family. I'm a father of two adult children. I enjoy tennis, kayaking and playing music (as a percussionist and singer). Looking forward to working with you!